Best Commercial Weed Killer


Are you facing a never-ending battle with pesky weeds that have launched an all-out invasion on your commercial property? Managing weeds effectively is a top concern for landscapers, farmers, and property managers. Finding the right commercial weed killer can mean the difference between a pristine, inviting space and a wild, unwelcome terrain. But, with numerous products on the market, how do you choose the right one?

Our Top Picks

Finding the right product can be a daunting task, so we’ve sifted through the options to present our top picks of commercial weed killers, considering effectiveness, safety, and ease of use.

Our #1 Top Pick: Roundup Pro Concentrate

Roundup Pro Concentrate takes the lead as our top pick for the best commercial weed killer. It’s a preferred choice among professional landscapers for its potent formula containing 50.2% glyphosate, which ensures the elimination of the toughest weeds and grasses down to the root. Ideal for large areas, it is designed to handle everything from dandelions to poison ivy. This concentrate must be mixed with water, giving you control over the strength of the application, depending on your specific needs. One gallon can cover up to 435,600 square feet when used as directed, making it an economical choice for large-scale projects.

Pick #2: Ortho GroundClear Vegetation Killer

Ortho GroundClear Vegetation Killer earns the second spot on our list. It’s a non-selective herbicide, which means it will kill any plant it comes into contact with. That makes it perfect for clearing out parking lots, fence lines, and other areas where no vegetation is desired. Users appreciate the fast-acting formula with visible results in just a few hours. It’s also ready to use with a sprinkler cap, eliminating the need for mixing or additional sprayers.

Pick #3: RM43 43-Percent Glyphosate Plus Weed Preventer

Ranking third, RM43 is not only a weed killer but also acts as a preventer, which can manage vegetation up to a year. Containing a powerful combination of 43% glyphosate and imazapyr, RM43 is suitable for fence rows, gravel paths, and around buildings where you need long-term control. It’s definitely potent, so careful application is necessary to avoid harm to desired plants.

Pick #4: Compare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer

Compare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer offers a budget-friendly yet effective solution. With 41% glyphosate, this weed killer works well on driveways, sidewalks, and around flower beds when used as directed. While it might not be as long-lasting as others on this list, its affordability and the ability to cover up to 25,000 square feet per gallon of concentrate make it a strong contender in the market.

Pick #5: Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate

Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate rounds out our top five list. It kills weeds and grasses as advertised, with results in as little as three hours. While not as potent as our top pick, it’s a great alternative for those who need a quick fix for their weed problem. It is particularly user-friendly, with easy mixing instructions and compatibility with tank sprayers for easy application.

What to Know Before You Buy

  • Type of Weeds: Understand the types of weeds you’re dealing with. Some weed killers are designed to target specific weeds, while others provide a broad-spectrum solution.
  • Property Size: The size of the area you need to treat influences the form of weed killer you should buy—concentrate for large areas or ready-to-use formulas for smaller spots.
  • Application: Consider the method of application that suits your needs best. Some products come with their own sprayers, while others require a separate sprayer.
  • Safety: Always check for safety precautions, particularly if the area to be treated is frequented by pets and humans.
  • Environmental Impact: Be conscious of the environmental impact. Some herbicides might contain ingredients that could harm local flora and fauna if not used responsibly.

Factors to Consider Before Buying

  • Efficacy: Look for products known for their effectiveness, with active ingredients that are proven to be reliable against weeds.
  • Selectivity: Decide whether you need a selective weed killer that targets specific weeds without damaging other plants, or a non-selective weed killer that eradicates all vegetation.
  • Residual Activity: Some weed killers offer residual action to prevent weed regrowth. Determine whether long-term weed control is required for your situation.
  • Application Timing: The timing of the application can significantly impact the effectiveness, so consider products that suit your schedule.
  • Weather Resistance: If you’re in an area with unpredictable weather, look for weed killers that are resistant to rain shortly after application.

Why Trust ChooseRight?

At ChooseRight, we understand that selecting the best commercial weed killer is a significant decision impacting the aesthetics and health of your property. Our reviews are the product of meticulous research, including reading thousands of user reviews and soliciting feedback from professionals in the field. We endeavor to provide well-rounded, unbiased recommendations to help you make the right choice for your specific needs.

Finishing Thoughts

With a landscape free of unwanted vegetation, your commercial space can truly shine. The right weed killer doesn’t just eradicate weeds; it preserves the appeal of your space for everyone’s enjoyment. Consider the type of weeds, size of your property, and application preferences as you make your selection. When in doubt, refer to our top picks for a choice that’s been vetted by professionals and users alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best commercial weed killer on the market?

The best commercial weed killer can vary depending on the specific needs of the area being treated, as well as the types of weeds present. Products containing glyphosate, such as Roundup, are widely used for their effectiveness. However, for more specific applications or particular weed types, products with different active ingredients might be recommended. Always research and choose a product that is appropriate for your situation.

Are commercial weed killers safe to use around pets and children?

Safety can depend on the product and its application. Many commercial weed killers contain chemicals that can be harmful to pets and children if not used according to the label instructions. It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for use and ensure that pets and children stay away from treated areas until it is safe.

How long does it take for a commercial weed killer to work?

The time it takes for a commercial weed killer to work can vary greatly depending on the product. Some may show results within hours, while others might take several days or even weeks to fully eradicate the weeds. Reading the product label will provide the best indication of what to expect.

Can commercial weed killers be used in any type of weather?

Weather conditions can affect the efficiency of a weed killer. It is generally recommended to apply them during dry, calm weather. Rain can wash away the product, and wind can spread it to non-target plants. Check the product label for specific weather-related application instructions.

Are there any commercial weed killers that are environmentally friendly?

There are eco-friendly or organic commercial weed killers available that use natural ingredients to suppress weed growth. These options are typically less harmful to the environment but may vary in effectiveness compared to traditional chemical herbicides.

How should I apply commercial weed killers for the best results?

Application methods can include spraying, spreading granules, or painting the herbicide directly on the weeds. The key to effective application is following the product instructions carefully, which will guide you on how much to apply, where to apply, and any necessary safety precautions.

Will commercial weed killers kill all plants or just weeds?

Some commercial weed killers are selective and target specific types of weeds without harming other plants, while others are non-selective and will kill any vegetation they come into contact with. Always choose a product based on the plants you intend to protect.

How often should I use commercial weed killers?

The frequency of application will depend on the product and the severity of the weed problem. Some weed killers offer long-term control, reducing the need for frequent applications, while others may require repeat treatments. Always follow the label instructions to avoid overuse, which can be harmful to the environment.

Can I make my own natural weed killer instead of buying commercial products?

Yes, there are recipes available for making your own natural weed killers using household items like vinegar, salt, and dish soap. However, these homemade solutions may not be as effective as commercial products and might require more frequent applications.

What should I do if the commercial weed killer does not seem to be working?

If a commercial weed killer is not working as expected, consider the following possibilities: the application may have been done under poor weather conditions, the weeds may be resistant to the herbicide, or the application rate might have been incorrect. Re-evaluate your approach and consult the manufacturer’s guidelines. If problems persist, you may need to seek an alternative solution or contact a professional for advice.

Joseph graduated from Cornell University in 2013 with a degree in civil engineering. Since then he's worked as a content writer and expert reviewer. For the past year and a half, he's been working as the head writer for ChooseRight and is excited to continue growing with the company.

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